
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Jason Baumbach Cambodia-How to create an IT disaster recovery plan

Every company in this current and modern world have gone digital where numerous processes have been computerized for high efficiency. Most of the computer systems contain numerous data and information used to run these companies. You realize just like any other machines, the computer systems are prone to failure which may cause failure, loss of data and huge loses. This may occur due to technical problems such as system failures, system crashing, hacking and even viruses. In such a situation, it is very important that every company to come up with a Disaster Recovery Plan that will enable the company to recover their data and resume back to work and normal operations.

Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery Plan entails the process of having a reliable documented plan that explains how a business can recover from catastrophic damage that can paralyze business operations or even lead to complete closure of a business. There exist different catastrophes like fires, theft, system failures, and many more.

Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

Identify important sectors of your business

The first thing you need to is to identify all the sectors of your business and jobs the may be required to be relocated within the shortest time span. You will need to identify the alternative locations where you can relocate soonest so that you can continue with operations. prepare a well laid out transfer that can be executed in case of such an emergency

Inventory and the Necessary Office Equipment

You know all the necessary equipment and office documents that your office requires for efficient operations, every employe have their essential office equipment and also things like furniture. Concentrate on the equipment that your business can't run without then make a clean list of how you can recover the equipment with immediate time so that you can resume operations. Things like Desk and chair, Computer software, Point-of-sale system, Computer, phones, and other necessities depending on the type of business must be on the list.

Inventory Supporting Equipment

Don't forget about the essential office equipment that you must need. If your business computers are connected to thing like servers, then you must have a proper data recovery programme that will enable your applications to run again. Security is the vital aspect of data recovery as you don't want your data and information to fall in the wrong hands. You need to rely on highly secured data storage facilities where you can also use secure and reliable cloud service providers for your data backup. Ensure that you have a back-up for your servers, copies of your software, data back-up, business phone systems, daily start-up cash drawer money, and office safe.

Financial back-up

It is good to run every business on record where you have to know the revenue you make and make sure that you have operating capital ready. If you lack capital, you might end up terminating your business Jason T Baumbach Cambodia if you are hit by a severe catastrophe which makes it hard for you. Make sure your financial situation is always safe so that youn't solely depend on loans which you might end up paying for a long period of time.

Plan for Alternate Office Space

It is also very important if you have a plan for an extra space where you can relocate your business if the need comes. This is why it is important to leave a space for expansion where you can relocate your business or if you don't have adequate space or maybe you have created a space, you can get to know the local real estate agents who can help you in finding a space fast. You can also have an agreement with neighboring businesses, relocation option, available offices in your locality and this will ensure your business survives a catastrophe.

Insurance and Budget

Another important aspect is to have to have a budget for emergency. This is where you need to set the same amount as your business worth so that you can reopen your business again even if everything goes down. You can still remain with the employees but you will have to buy new equipment that your business requires to get back in operations.

It is also necessary to ensure your business so the insurance company might assist you in bringing back your business to the status where you were before the catastrophe hit. If your case is legitimate, then you will have an easy time as the insurance company will compensate you on time to recover your business.

As you have observed, every business needs to have a Disaster Recovery Plan. It will enable you to resume operations as soon as possible, unlike cases where you don't have any plans and your business ends there. Make a good Disaster Recovery Plan and you will realize it's importance when the need comes.